01 January 2025
TEKMED held the workshop "Combating Gender-Based Violence" by using the shadow puppets theater sought to encourage participants to reflect on their words and their impact on interpersonal relationships.
30 November 2024
ROMBEL held the workshop with participants from the EuropaNova School in Brussels on the theme of "The Power of Words: Combating Gender-Based Violence" by using the shadow puppets theater sought to encourage participants to reflect on their words and their impact on interpersonal relationships. Promoting respectful and inclusive language is a key step in preventing violence and encouraging more balanced and respectful relationships! These workshops were led by Carmen Solomie and Daria Pîrvu from ROMBEL.
30 November 2024
ROMBEL held in partnership with EuropaNova Brussels, associated partner school, a workshop focusing on the theme "The Power of Words: Combating Gender-Based Violence". The workshop aimed to practice with the participants the impact on interpersonal relationships, while promoting inclusive and respectful behaviors between genders, using the shadow puppets theater. The participants shared their personal experiences, drew and built the puppets used in the theatre. These workshops were led by Carmen Solomie and Daria Pîrvu from ROMBEL.
30 November 2024
ROMBEL held in partnership with EuropaNova Brussels, associated partner school, the workshop focusing on the "Main forms of Gender Based Violence" with discussions about each of these forms. The workshop aimed to raise awareness among young people on violence and harassment , and we talked about the issues surrounding gender-based violence, with an emphasis on the importance of communication and respectful discourse in the fight against this scourge. Violence is not just physical. It can also be psychological, verbal, economic, or even sexual, and the consequences can be just as severe. Gender-based violence encompasses all of these forms and deeply affects the self-esteem and dignity of the victims. Psychological and verbal violence, for example, can be as devastating as physical violence, as it slowly undermines self-confidence, leads to feelings of helplessness and isolation, and affects mental health in the long term. These workshops were led by Carmen Solomie and Daria Pîrvu from ROMBEL.
30 November 2024
ROMBEL organized within the framework of the ErasmusPlus program in partnership with EuropaNova Brussels, associated partner school, a workshop focusing on the "Main forms of Gender Based Violence" followed by a puppet theater based on participants best scenarios and own drawn & build puppets. These workshops were led by Carmen Solomie and Daria Pîrvu from ROMBEL.
29 November 2024
TEKMED carried out the workshop: "Factors that Influence or Increase the Risk of Becoming Perpetrators or Victims of a Violent Act" hosted by Technical High School ". Workshop was held for instructors and young volunteers on violence and harassment.
29 November 2024
ADI organized the second workshop on" Puppet Theater" . The best scenario with the most expressive puppets are chosen to play. The workshop is hosted by King Mihai I Technological High School and the workshop is led by Elena Derviș.
21 November 2024
ADI carried out the workshop: "Factors that Influence or Increase the Risk of Becoming Perpetrators or Victims of a Violent Act" hosted by Technical High School " King Michael I", associated partner . On this occasion, the teenagers received a guide from the Ministry of Justice regarding reporting acts of violence and sexual harassment.
13 November 2024
ROMBEL held the workshop #EducationForLife highlighting the main forms of #genderbasedviolence and the best practices to prevent and combate them:
* identification and classification of the factors - individual + community + societal - that influence or increase the risk of becoming perpetrators or victims of a violent act
* identification of forms of intimate partner violence and abuse and to prevent intimate partner violence
* strategies that involve young people working collaboratively to prevent sexism, discrimination and social exclusion
28 October 2024
Tokat Ekonomik Kalkınma ve Meslek Edindirme Derneği organized the workshop Puppet Theater. Volunteers of the association and high school students discussed the main themes of gender violence, wrote scenarios based on the theoretical knowledge acquired during the project after which they worked in groups: one group made the puppets and the other group built the frame necessary for a puppet theatre.
28 October 2024
ADI organized the workshop "Puppet Theater" hosted by "King Mihai I" technological high school. Volunteers of the association and high school students discussed the main themes of gender violence, wrote scenarios based on the theoretical knowledge acquired during the project after which they worked in groups: one group made the puppets and the other group built the frame necessary for a puppet theater.
10 October 2024
ADI - Elena Derviș and Tania Nicolau led the "Domestic Violence and it's Forms" workshop. The young people with whom the Association for Intercultural Dialogue works have revealed many problems they face and together we tried to find solutions. The workshops were held at the associated partner Liceul Tehnologic "Regele Mihai I"
2 October 2024
INPLANET - Puppet Theater Workshop
Part II
Participants presented their scenarios with puppet show.
Part I
Participants were divided into groups, worked with puppets and created scenarios about GBV.
2 October 2024
INPLANET - Workshop: Understanding the Risks of Violence and Identifying Intimate Partner Abuse
This workshop focused on raising awareness among young participants about the factors that influence or increase the risk of becoming perpetrators or victims of violent acts. Additionally, it addressed through peer-to-peer learning the most common forms of intimate partner violence and abuse that are often mistaken for genuine care. The participants equipped with the knowledge to recognize and combat these issues in their lives and communities.
1 October 2024
INPLANET - Workshop about Domestic Violence
This workshop aimed to educate and empower young participants through peer-to-peer learning on the critical issue of gender-based violence (GBV). The trainer introduced the main forms of GBV and guided the participants in identifying these forms within their own communities, focusing on domestic violence and its effects.
7 July 2024
ROMBEL - Last #workshop this months for the Stand Against GBV Through Theater #ErasmusPlus project with associated partner C.A.S.A. in #Brussels.
The aim of the meeting was to highlight the relationship between the gender roles and the gender stereotypes, by answering how do gender stereotypes affect young people. We have spoken together of different ways to prevent the gender #discrimination by combating stereotypes.
3 July 2024
INPLANET Workshop-Roleplay: Harmful Impact of Sexism
3 July 2024
INPLANET Workshop: Social Theater on Sexism
2 July 2024
Workshop: Invisible Theater about Sexism
Location: Trion Symmachon Square, Patras GreeceWorkshop: Social Theater on Sexism
2 July 2024
28 June 2024
#RomBel volunteers prepared the topic and scenario on Invisible Theater for the Erasmus + project Stand Against GBV Through Theater with students from #ISLTournai associated partner school.
The workshop tooked place during the end of school year party, where several generations, teaching staff and parents and grandparents come together. The interaction tooked place on the playground. It did not arouse the intervention of the students, nor of the adults surrounding them, which pushes us to make the decision to multiply this experience in other places, other cities (larger and smaller) in order to be able to learn more from it.
27 June 2024
ROMBEL - Point it out : If you can't say it, draw it !
#RomBel team is visiting the Belgian Center of Comics in Brussels, as part of the workshop of research, observation and analysis in order to create an information leaflet on GBV inspired by comics, within the Stand Against GBV Through Theater ErasmusPlus project.
Comicbooks usualy tells us many stories about many different people. Lately, the issue of GBV invited herself into the comicbooks and with every single story we can discover the MULTIPLE DISCRIMINATION , how does GBV influence the lives of individuals and learn to better understand how GBV is represented in our day to day life, such as :
• individual oppression; observation and analysis on individual oppression: being subjected to gender-based violence as individuals on a personal level
• collective or social oppression; observation and analysis on interpersonal, collective or social Oppression: how does our attitude and behaviour in society, directed towards different groups of people, creates causes of gender-based violence within our communities.
• structural or institutional oppression; observation and analysis on structural or institutional oppression: policies and practices that exist throughout a whole society or organization that result in and support a continued unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race, gender or ethnic group. It manifests as discrimination in areas such as criminal justice, employment, housing, healthcare, education and political representation
To this day, The Comic Center in Brussels has only ONE comic book related to #genderbasedviolence, raising the issues of oppression and hate crimes lived by the LGBTQI+ persons worldwide, called « Blue is a hot colour » created by Jul' Maroh, and published by Glénat in March 2010, more then 14 years ago !
25 June 2024
TEKMED has organized the workshop - Explain team work and preparing scenarios for SOCIAL THEATRE on SEXISM
25 June 2024
25 June 2024
TEKMED - YOGA EXERCISES with young volunteers
10 June 2024
ADI - Invisible Theatre achieved by young volunteers. The topic addressed is jealousy and violence. Although the "artists" were very convincing, passers-by did not intervene.
7 June 2024
ADI has organized the workshop - MULTIPLE DISCRIMINATION. Volunteers of the Association and students of Technological High School " King Michael I " ( associated partner) actively participated in the workshop, some of them being subjects of multiple discrimination and sharing their feelings and hopes.
6 June 2024
ADI has organized the workshop SEXISM AND GENDER INEQUALITY. Volunteers of the Association and students of Technological High School " King Michael I " ( associated partner) actively participated in the workshop.
15 June 2024
ROMBEL - When in #Brussels : Point it out! / Part I
Observation and analysis with #RomBel team for the upcomming #workshop on MULTIPLE DISCRIMINATION within the ErasmusPlus project STAND AGAINST GENDER BASED VIOLENCE THROUGH THEATER
RomBel team participated to a #comicbook workshop where we learned how to bring to life creations that make social issues accessible to teenagers through comics. We learned to tell stories in pictures, to create our own comic strip and we discovered the secrets of comic books, a genre so popular and appreciated in Belgium.
The workshop began with a discussion linked to the history of comic books, since the first drawing on the walls inside the caves from ancient times, to the rough drawing of Rodolphe Töpffer, the first to create theoretical documents. He began to create some illustrated stories, in 1827, for his students, stories which were based on a new way of articulating texts and images, mounted in sequences.
We also discovered different styles and techniques for drawing comic books, and how comics have addressed social issues. Now our rôle is to return and speak with friends, family, classmates who may have experienced gender-based violence and afterwards to create stories and characters, and draw them into the panels.
24 April 2024
ROMBEL - Workshop #DigitalIdentity and #GenderBasedViolence within the "Metamorphose" exhibition held in the Theatre Saint Luc withe students from associated partner #ISLT High School in Tournai
23 April 2024
Newspaper Theatre Workshop held by RomBel - Români în Belgia with students from the ISLT High School in Tournai , associated partner.
The workshop is based on Augysto Boal's Theatre of Oppressed, using a regional journal "Nord Eclair" known for its clickbait news/gossip headlines.
More photos/videos:
22 April 2024
RomBel - Români în Belgia Workshop on the stereotypes - role - gender identity diagram; theater of the oppressed by Augusto Boal and Pantonime with students, former students and volunteers from our associated partner #ISLT Tournai .
More photos/videos:
22 April 2024
Forum Theater Workshop by @RomBel - Români în Belgia on Gender Roles, Gender Stereotypes and Gender Identity
22 April 2024
Pantonime workshop offered by RomBel - Români în Belgia to students of the School of Isieres.
22 April 2024
Workshop held by RomBel - Români în Belgia on Gender Roles, Gender Stereotypes & Pantomime Theatre with students from the local School of Isieres
17 April 2024
APDI - Vlaicu Vodă National College - Pantomime Workshop
24 March 2024
RomBel - Români în Belgia Workshop on gender role, gender identity and gender stereotypes within the art classes of associated partner #ISLT High School in Tournai by using the theme of the International day of violence against women and the " Point it out! " techniques. The topic focuses on Promoting gender equality - Promoting equality and non-discrimination by expressing an approach to the therapeutic effect, using the visual arts - Inclusion - Digital skills and "Safe on web" competencies
27 February 2024
RomBel - Români în Belgia Workshop #ESRA – Higher School of audio-visual production in Brussels. How can I fight gender stereotypes? POINT IT OUT! To understand the causes of gender discrimination, gender violence and social exclusion the students identified and combated discriminatory messages based on gender stereotypes from cinema and their evolution over time, through the cultural products of the society.
25 November 2023
IN-PLANET Pantomime Workshop in Athens November 2023
The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
17 November 2023
APDI - Pantomime Theater on Gender Role
17 November 2023
Association for Intercultural Dialogue held Pantomime workshop ; the participants - young volunteers of association and students form King Michael I Technological High School learned a new form a theater - Pantomime using it on Gender Roles
17 November 2023
TEKMED - Sharing experience How to prepare online campaign
17 November 2023
TEKMED - Digital skills as the foundation of digital citizenship: Digital citizen identity, Screen time management, Cybersecurity management, Privacy management, Critical thinking, Digital footprints, Digital empathy
17 November 2023
17 November 2023
IN-PLANET Workshop in Athens
Preventing Gender Discrimination by Combating Gender Stereotypes through Forum Theatre
16 November 2023
Association for Intercultural Dialogue organized FORUM THEATER workshop
PERFORMING FORUM THEATER ( gender violence against boy friend)
16 November 2023
Association for Intercultural Dialogue organized FORUM THEATER workshop
PERFORMING FORUM THEATER ( domestic violence - against children and mother )
16 November 2023
Association for Intercultural Dialogue organized FORUM THEATER workshop
working team - creating Theater Forum scenarios :
16 November 2023
Association for Intercultural Dialogue organized FORUM TEATER workshop;
Theoretical part :
16 November 2023
TEKMED - Practice exercise – using devices, participants will identify and combat discriminatory messages based on gender stereotypes from advertising, magazines, tv, film, and the internet;
16 November 2023
TEKMED - A real story on gender stereotypes, a situation of oppression, and the characters - oppressor, oppressed, their allies, a joker
15 November 2023
Association for Intercultural Dialogues held the workshop Gender Identity, Gender Role, Gender Stereotypes for the association volunteers, some of them being students and teachers at the King Mihai I Technological High School, associate partner in the Erasmus+ project Stand Against Gender Based Violence Through theater
15 November 2023
TEKMED - GENDER IDENTITY – GENDER ROLE – AND – GENDER STEREOTYPES- highlighting relationship between gender roles and gender stereotypes. How do gender stereotypes affect young people?
15 November 2023
TEKMED - NEWSPAPER THEATER – making theatre inspired by a real story on gender stereotypes Script writing. Identification of key moments. Sequence of scenes. Allocation of roles and work on them
10 November 2023
IN-PLANET Workshop in Athens
Gender Identity - Gender Role and Gender Stereotypes
Presentation of Theatre of the Oppressed by Augusto Boal
18 October 2023
Cultural norms, stereotypes, judgements, discriminations are often used to justify violence and #GenderBasedViolence in our daily live, affecting more and more young people? How to prevent and improve our response, #PREVENT and #STANDUP against GBV ?
RomBel - Români în Belgia started the meetings with the students from ITCF René Joffroy Ath , for the Stand Against GBV Through Theater #ErasmusPlus project.
19 September 2023
Workshop on Stereotypes - Identity - Role of gender with students from the European School in Brussels. Questions and answers on the strenght relationship between gender roles and gender stereotypes.
7 July 2024
ROMBEL - Last #workshop this months for the Stand Against GBV Through Theater #ErasmusPlus project with associated partner C.A.S.A. in #Brussels.
The aim of the meeting was to highlight the relationship between the gender roles and the gender stereotypes, by answering how do gender stereotypes affect young people. We have spoken together of different ways to prevent the gender #discrimination by combating stereotypes.
3 July 2024
INPLANET Workshop-Roleplay: Harmful Impact of Sexism
3 July 2024
INPLANET Workshop: Social Theater on Sexism
2 July 2024
Workshop: Invisible Theater about Sexism
Location: Trion Symmachon Square, Patras GreeceWorkshop: Social Theater on Sexism
2 July 2024
28 June 2024
#RomBel volunteers prepared the topic and scenario on Invisible Theater for the Erasmus + project Stand Against GBV Through Theater with students from #ISLTournai associated partner school.
The workshop tooked place during the end of school year party, where several generations, teaching staff and parents and grandparents come together. The interaction tooked place on the playground. It did not arouse the intervention of the students, nor of the adults surrounding them, which pushes us to make the decision to multiply this experience in other places, other cities (larger and smaller) in order to be able to learn more from it.
27 June 2024
ROMBEL - Point it out : If you can't say it, draw it !
#RomBel team is visiting the Belgian Center of Comics in Brussels, as part of the workshop of research, observation and analysis in order to create an information leaflet on GBV inspired by comics, within the Stand Against GBV Through Theater ErasmusPlus project.
Comicbooks usualy tells us many stories about many different people. Lately, the issue of GBV invited herself into the comicbooks and with every single story we can discover the MULTIPLE DISCRIMINATION , how does GBV influence the lives of individuals and learn to better understand how GBV is represented in our day to day life, such as :
• individual oppression; observation and analysis on individual oppression: being subjected to gender-based violence as individuals on a personal level
• collective or social oppression; observation and analysis on interpersonal, collective or social Oppression: how does our attitude and behaviour in society, directed towards different groups of people, creates causes of gender-based violence within our communities.
• structural or institutional oppression; observation and analysis on structural or institutional oppression: policies and practices that exist throughout a whole society or organization that result in and support a continued unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race, gender or ethnic group. It manifests as discrimination in areas such as criminal justice, employment, housing, healthcare, education and political representation
To this day, The Comic Center in Brussels has only ONE comic book related to #genderbasedviolence, raising the issues of oppression and hate crimes lived by the LGBTQI+ persons worldwide, called « Blue is a hot colour » created by Jul' Maroh, and published by Glénat in March 2010, more then 14 years ago !
25 June 2024
TEKMED has organized the workshop - Explain team work and preparing scenarios for SOCIAL THEATRE on SEXISM
15 June 2024
ROMBEL - When in #Brussels : Point it out! / Part I
Observation and analysis with #RomBel team for the upcomming #workshop on MULTIPLE DISCRIMINATION within the ErasmusPlus project STAND AGAINST GENDER BASED VIOLENCE THROUGH THEATER
RomBel team participated to a #comicbook workshop where we learned how to bring to life creations that make social issues accessible to teenagers through comics. We learned to tell stories in pictures, to create our own comic strip and we discovered the secrets of comic books, a genre so popular and appreciated in Belgium.
The workshop began with a discussion linked to the history of comic books, since the first drawing on the walls inside the caves from ancient times, to the rough drawing of Rodolphe Töpffer, the first to create theoretical documents. He began to create some illustrated stories, in 1827, for his students, stories which were based on a new way of articulating texts and images, mounted in sequences.
We also discovered different styles and techniques for drawing comic books, and how comics have addressed social issues. Now our rôle is to return and speak with friends, family, classmates who may have experienced gender-based violence and afterwards to create stories and characters, and draw them into the panels.
24 April 2024
ROMBEL - Workshop #DigitalIdentity and #GenderBasedViolence within the "Metamorphose" exhibition held in the Theatre Saint Luc withe students from associated partner #ISLT High School in Tournai
23 April 2024
Newspaper Theatre Workshop held by RomBel - Români în Belgia with students from the ISLT High School in Tournai , associated partner.
The workshop is based on Augysto Boal's Theatre of Oppressed, using a regional journal "Nord Eclair" known for its clickbait news/gossip headlines.
More photos/videos:
22 April 2024
RomBel - Români în Belgia Workshop on the stereotypes - role - gender identity diagram; theater of the oppressed by Augusto Boal and Pantonime with students, former students and volunteers from our associated partner #ISLT Tournai .
More photos/videos:
22 April 2024
Forum Theater Workshop by @RomBel - Români în Belgia on Gender Roles, Gender Stereotypes and Gender Identity
22 April 2024
Pantonime workshop offered by RomBel - Români în Belgia to students of the School of Isieres.
22 April 2024
Workshop held by RomBel - Români în Belgia on Gender Roles, Gender Stereotypes & Pantomime Theatre with students from the local School of Isieres
17 April 2024
APDI - Vlaicu Vodă National College - Pantomime Workshop
24 March 2024
RomBel - Români în Belgia Workshop on gender role, gender identity and gender stereotypes within the art classes of associated partner #ISLT High School in Tournai by using the theme of the International day of violence against women and the " Point it out! " techniques. The topic focuses on Promoting gender equality - Promoting equality and non-discrimination by expressing an approach to the therapeutic effect, using the visual arts - Inclusion - Digital skills and "Safe on web" competencies
27 February 2024
RomBel - Români în Belgia Workshop #ESRA – Higher School of audio-visual production in Brussels. How can I fight gender stereotypes? POINT IT OUT! To understand the causes of gender discrimination, gender violence and social exclusion the students identified and combated discriminatory messages based on gender stereotypes from cinema and their evolution over time, through the cultural products of the society.
25 November 2023
IN-PLANET Pantomime Workshop in Athens November 2023
The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
17 November 2023
APDI - Pantomime Theater on Gender Role
17 November 2023
Association for Intercultural Dialogue held Pantomime workshop ; the participants - young volunteers of association and students form King Michael I Technological High School learned a new form a theater - Pantomime using it on Gender Roles
17 November 2023
TEKMED - Sharing experience How to prepare online campaign
17 November 2023
TEKMED - Digital skills as the foundation of digital citizenship: Digital citizen identity, Screen time management, Cybersecurity management, Privacy management, Critical thinking, Digital footprints, Digital empathy
17 November 2023
17 November 2023
IN-PLANET Workshop in Athens
Preventing Gender Discrimination by Combating Gender Stereotypes through Forum Theatre
16 November 2023
Association for Intercultural Dialogue organized FORUM THEATER workshop
PERFORMING FORUM THEATER ( gender violence against boy friend)
16 November 2023
Association for Intercultural Dialogue organized FORUM THEATER workshop
PERFORMING FORUM THEATER ( domestic violence - against children and mother )
16 November 2023
Association for Intercultural Dialogue organized FORUM THEATER workshop
working team - creating Theater Forum scenarios :
16 November 2023
Association for Intercultural Dialogue organized FORUM TEATER workshop;
Theoretical part :
16 November 2023
TEKMED - Practice exercise – using devices, participants will identify and combat discriminatory messages based on gender stereotypes from advertising, magazines, tv, film, and the internet;
16 November 2023
TEKMED - A real story on gender stereotypes, a situation of oppression, and the characters - oppressor, oppressed, their allies, a joker
15 November 2023
Association for Intercultural Dialogues held the workshop Gender Identity, Gender Role, Gender Stereotypes for the association volunteers, some of them being students and teachers at the King Mihai I Technological High School, associate partner in the Erasmus+ project Stand Against Gender Based Violence Through theater
15 November 2023
TEKMED - GENDER IDENTITY – GENDER ROLE – AND – GENDER STEREOTYPES- highlighting relationship between gender roles and gender stereotypes. How do gender stereotypes affect young people?
15 November 2023
TEKMED - NEWSPAPER THEATER – making theatre inspired by a real story on gender stereotypes Script writing. Identification of key moments. Sequence of scenes. Allocation of roles and work on them
10 November 2023
IN-PLANET Workshop in Athens
Gender Identity - Gender Role and Gender Stereotypes
Presentation of Theatre of the Oppressed by Augusto Boal
18 October 2023
Cultural norms, stereotypes, judgements, discriminations are often used to justify violence and #GenderBasedViolence in our daily live, affecting more and more young people? How to prevent and improve our response, #PREVENT and #STANDUP against GBV ?
RomBel - Români în Belgia started the meetings with the students from ITCF René Joffroy Ath , for the Stand Against GBV Through Theater #ErasmusPlus project.
19 September 2023
Workshop on Stereotypes - Identity - Role of gender with students from the European School in Brussels. Questions and answers on the strenght relationship between gender roles and gender stereotypes.